Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You'll see me when I get here!

I'm not sure why this doctor lady is insisting on looking at me, but I want no part of it! They took me back to the doctor today and tried to make me perform tricks for the camera, but I refused. I even covered my face so they couldn't see me. I did let the doctor see my heart and she said I was perfectly healthy, and Mommy and Daddy said that's all that matters. That mean old doctor tried to shake me up again, but I went to my comfort spot in Mommy's tummy and stayed there. I weigh one pound now, but Mommy said she's gonna tell people that I weigh twenty...I'm not sure what that's about. Anyway.

That's what happened today...in Aaron's world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaron you're gonna have to stop hiding from the doctor!! We want to see you! But I guess you're just stubborn like your mommy!! But u do look precioius with your little hand over your face. I can't wait to meet you and I'm so glad you're gowing healthy and strong! Love ya! Aunt Kortney aka Titi Kate ;-)