Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Obama

Hi everyone!

On Tuesday night, I was a part of one of the biggest moments in American history. Mommy, Uncle Scooby, Uncle Lunchbox, and I went to the Obama Watch Party at the Cannery in Nashville. It was so fun! There was music and food and ALL kinds of people.

Mommy was jumping a lot so I assumed that things were going well. Around 10pm she started jumping and screaming so I figured that Obama won the Presidency. She said that it was a huge moment in history. I don't know what that means yet, but she told me that she took lots of pictures so that I could see just what happened that night.

There was lots of hugging, jumping and tears, and I know that everyone was very happy. Mommy told me that I can be anything I want tobe when I get out of her tummy, even President of the United States! That's so cool!

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm going back to kicking Mommy in the tummy. That's Aaron's World!


rosemary said...

This is too cute. Tell Aaron, we say hello and if he's a good baby today we'll have a gift for him.

Luv Yall,
TiTi Mary & Uncle Frank

Erica Haynes said...

Good Morning Aaron, Mommy & Daddy,

Aaron, I can't wait to hold you. You have been a very busy baby, but let me just tell you, your Mommy was too, so as the old folks say, "you got it honest". Keep on growing, don't eat too much candy and we're waiting on your arrival. Love you much!J.

Great Aunt Debra Cummings