Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Presents for me and Christmas Pics

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been busy growing. I'm the size of a mango now!

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took me to Target to pick out things that I will need when I get out. Daddy was having great fun clicking on EVERYTHING! Mommy said that he registered for two swings! I'm gonna be swinging a lot!

On Sunday we took family Christmas pictures. Mommy said that I get my disdain for the camera from my Daddy. He wanted nothing to do with those pictures! He complained the whole time. I totally understand! I hate the camera too...

I'm posting a few of our Christmas pics for you to enjoy. I'm the one in Mommy's belly ;-)

That was my weekend...in Aaron's World!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You'll see me when I get here!

I'm not sure why this doctor lady is insisting on looking at me, but I want no part of it! They took me back to the doctor today and tried to make me perform tricks for the camera, but I refused. I even covered my face so they couldn't see me. I did let the doctor see my heart and she said I was perfectly healthy, and Mommy and Daddy said that's all that matters. That mean old doctor tried to shake me up again, but I went to my comfort spot in Mommy's tummy and stayed there. I weigh one pound now, but Mommy said she's gonna tell people that I weigh twenty...I'm not sure what that's about. Anyway.

That's what happened today...in Aaron's world!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My weekend in Memphis

This weekend I went to Memphis to visit my Mommy's parents. We had so much fun. Grandma talked to me and I kicked for her. She loved it...I've got her wrapped around my tiny fingers already! :-) She wanted to zerbert me(blow on Mommy's tummy), but Granddaddy said that would scare me so he decided to zerbert her instead. It was so funny!

After my afternoon nap we went to celebrate Kayla's Sweet 16 with the Sweetens. I was the youngest person to be invited...I'm a pretty cool kid. We had fun and ate yummy cake!

On Sunday I went to church with everyone. Grandma was so proud to show me off. Everyone was so excited to meet me. I got LOTS of hugs! After dinner it was time to hit the road and head back to Nashville. I stayed up the entire ride dancing to the music. I really enjoyed my weekend, and I can't wait to go back.

That's all for now...in Aaron's World!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My First Step Show and a weekend in Memphis

Hi Friends and Family!

Last night I went to my first step show. I had a great time! I got to line dance with Mommy and see lots of her friends from college. I was a big hit! Everyone wanted to say hi to me.

I really enjoyed the show and I jumped around the entire time. I even kicked for Aunt Kortney! She was so excited :-)

After the show, Daddy took me and Mommy to see Mimi and Poppy in Memphis. We haven't been since Mommy found out I was in her tummy. I've been here before...she just didn't know it,lol!

Right now I'm just chilling with my Grandparents. I'm sure we will do lots of fun things over the weekend and I will tell you all about them next week.

That's my life...in Aaron's World!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Obama

Hi everyone!

On Tuesday night, I was a part of one of the biggest moments in American history. Mommy, Uncle Scooby, Uncle Lunchbox, and I went to the Obama Watch Party at the Cannery in Nashville. It was so fun! There was music and food and ALL kinds of people.

Mommy was jumping a lot so I assumed that things were going well. Around 10pm she started jumping and screaming so I figured that Obama won the Presidency. She said that it was a huge moment in history. I don't know what that means yet, but she told me that she took lots of pictures so that I could see just what happened that night.

There was lots of hugging, jumping and tears, and I know that everyone was very happy. Mommy told me that I can be anything I want tobe when I get out of her tummy, even President of the United States! That's so cool!

Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm going back to kicking Mommy in the tummy. That's life...in Aaron's World!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm baaaaack!

Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been busy growing. I weigh about 10oz now.

Well, since I've been gone I have been on a hayride, helped Mommy pass out candy for Halloween, and I was in a parade!

I went on a hayride with Daddy's family. There are soooo many of them! It was dark outside and everyone said it was cold, but I was nice and warm in Mommy's tummy. Mommy and Daddy showed off my pictures to everybody. They think I'm the cutest fetus ever!

On Friday night Mommy and I passed out Halloween candy to all of our neighborhood friends. My favorite part was eating teh candy...yummy!

On Saturday morning I was a part of my very first TSU Homecoming parade. We woke up very early to get ready. Mommy was supposed to be passing out beads, but the crowd was too pushy so she rode in the van to keep me protected. Uncle Scooby told everybody that I was riding in the van! I'm a local celebrity now :-)

I guess that's all for now...in Aaron's World!