Friday, October 24, 2008

Lupe Fiasco and Lil Wayne

HI Everyone!

Last night, Mommy took me to my very first concert! I went to see(more like hear...) Lupe Fiasco and Lil Wayne. I like to dance to Lil Wayne in Daddy's car.

It was so much fun! We had great seats and I danced the night away with Mommy. We got home late, and I think Mommy was really tired, but I could have gone all night! I'm still dancing this morning!

I hope we go to lots more concerts because I LOVE music! That's a day in my Aaron's World :-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello! I'm Aaron :-)

Hello Family and Friends!

My name is Aaron Andre Haynes. Mommy and Daddy found out yesterday that I'm a little boy. They put my picture on a big TV and they even made a DVD of my performance. Yeah...I'm a superstar.

After I showed them what they came to see, I was tired of playing their game and turned over to rest(I heard Mommy say I get that from her!). That mean old doctor kept trying to shake me up and make me do tricks! I showed her though!

Well, I just wanted to tell you a little about myself. I will keep you posted on the daily adventures of my life in Aaron's World...